Planting the first Potatoes of the new season.

This afternoon we got going with our first bit of vegetable growing of 2019!


It didn’t take very long at all, but we’ve now planted 2 x ‘Red Duke of York’ and 2 x ‘Charlotte’ – which are first early new potatoes.

Step 1.

Fill the pot  with multipurpose compost by approximately one third.

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Step 2 (above right).

You don’t want to have every single shoot left on the potato, as this would result in a lot more roots taking up space in the pot, which in turn would restrict how much the plant could grow. It’ll leave you more likely to have smaller potatoes.

So, with a sharp knife, carefully take off all but a couple of shoots.

Step 3.

Sit the potatoes on the compost, with the shoots facing upwards. This may mean that the potato is placed sideways as well as longways.


Step 4.

Cover the potatoes with more of the same compost, filling the pot to leave a dome-shaped top.


Step 5. 

Put the pots containing the potatoes in a ‘frost-free’ location whilst they get going.


We managed to find a little space in Dad’s heated lean-to, but there are plenty of alternatives, such as a conservatory.

The potatoes should be staying here until their shoots are showing through the top of the compost!

2 thoughts on “Planting the first Potatoes of the new season.

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  1. When I grow potatoes. My Shaw’s are. Skinny and about 3ft high and eventually all over my plot.. what am I doing wrong. I get a fair yeald. And grow in a slight raised bed about 8 inch around scaffold planks. Jim b


    1. Hi Jim – we support the haulms when they get a bit taller as otherwise we find they wander all over the place and snap off etc. If you’re getting a decent enough crop, I wouldn’t worry too much though! 🙂


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